Saturday, October 18, 2008

In Memory of Murphy

Posted by Jessica Bell

We lost our dog Murphy unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago. We are not sure exactly what happened to him. He was sick to his stomach a couple of times, and then kind of just collapsed on us. We raced him to the Emergency vet clinic, but his heart stopped after he arrived there and they were not able to revive him. It is still bewildering to us that he was absolutely fine earlier that day, but we are happy that he did not suffer long. We're not sure what made him sick--he was on new medication for his allergies but our vet did not believe there was any way it could have caused his death.
He was a GREAT dog, and we miss him so much. Our little abode in Texas is definitely a little lonlier without him! We adopted him through a fantastic organization called RAGOM (Retrieve a Golden of Minnesota); he had previously been living in a puppy mill. We will definitely adopt a rescue dog again-- it was a great experience for us.

Here are a couple of pictures of Murphy, taken just a few days before he died: