Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Posted by Jessica Bell

Happy Halloween from our little Monkey! Henry participated in the halloween parade at my office organized by the daycare. He enjoyed taking in all of the excitement...until he conked out in my arms. Instead of trick-or-treating, we took Henry to see our neighbors on Halloween and brought them Pumpkin Cream Cheese muffins that I had baked. Overall, I think Henry had a GREAT first halloween! :-)

Before heading to daycare the day before halloween:

lining up for the parade:

One tired monkey!

Wide awake again!

The gift bags with muffins in them that we brought to our neighbors:

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Henry is 4 months old!

Posted by Jessica Bell

Another month has already gone by and our little boy is already FOUR months old! In the past month, Henry started sleeping through the night (YES!!!), really found his voice and started "talking" all the time, and even rolled over for the first time. He has gotten SO much better with tummy time, and actually likes it now. He props himself up on his arms to look around at everything, and is even starting to try to scoot himself around on the floor. He doesn't get very far yet, but he sure tries!

At Henry's 4 month appointment, he weighed 12 lbs 10 oz (20th percentile) and measured 26 inches long (90th percentile). Unfortunately, we also discovered that he had a double ear infection-his first-on the day of his appointment. He had been a little fussy that day, so that explained it. I'm hoping that he does not take after me--I had a lot of ear infections as a child.
Here are a few pictures of the past month:

You wouldn't know it from looking at most pictures of Henry, but he is a VERY smiley baby. Once I get the camera out, he is usually so focused on studying it that he stops smiling. Papa did catch this one, even though it's a little blurry!

I don't know what happened, but he went from happy to sad very quickly! I can't help posting this because I think he looks so cute even if he is unhappy

A couple of pictures of Henry and his papa:
Henry LOVES bathtime!!