Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring Planting

Posted by Jessica Bell

After almost 2 months since moving into our new house, we are finally feeling settled in. The boxes are (almost) all un-packed, we've hung a few things up on the walls, and we finally have gotten used to where everything is in the kitchen :-) Since we were starting to feel a little bored, we decided to try our hand at some planting. We really don't have any experience with gardening, but I think we did a pretty good job for our first time! We'll see how our new plants do as the hot TX summer are a few pictures:

Front of the house BEFORE:

Front walkway BEFORE:

Pulling up the grass/sod. We learned pretty quickly that "soil" in Texas is really just clay and sand...not the lovely back dirt we are used to in MN!

Tilling the "soil" aka clay. Harder than it looks. I did this for about 3 minutes, then played the pregnancy card and Adam did the rest :-)

Adding peat moss and REAL soil to the clay and sand...then more tilling before it was ready to plant.

The flower bed finally ready for planting!

Planting the impatiens (we planted a variation that is supposed to be able to grow in full sun...even though impatiens typically like shade.)

Planting Gerbera daisies the next day in the existing flower bed. The looked so happy when we were at the nursery that I couldn't resist!

Front of the house AFTER!

Walkway with NEW flower bed after. We also added dark brown mulch

Last but not least, we planted an herb/veggie container garden on our back patio. We planted cilantro, mint (for my post-baby mojitos!), basil, thyme, and hot peppers.