Henry turned 9 months old on March 26th! At his 9-month check-up, he was 17 lbs 4oz (25th %) and 28.5 inches long (50th %). His doctor said he is doing great and was happy with how active our little boy is. And he is definitely active! He is now crawling all over the place (and FAST), pulling himself up on everything, and even almost standing up on his own. He thinks our dog, Max, is the funniest thing he has ever seen. He stands at our back door and watches Max run around the yard while laughing hysterically. It makes mom and dad laugh so hard :-) We are starting him on some finger foods and he seems to like what we have given him so far. He is also extremely vocal now--with lots of "ba-ba-bas", "ma-ma-mas" and "da-da-das"-and lots of other gibberish in between.
Some more exciting news--we are moving Henry to a small in-home daycare in our neighborhood in a few weeks. He will get more one-on-one attention and focus on his development than he could ever get at the large daycare center where he is currently. We found a GREAT caregiver who has a child development background and only cares for 2 other babies. She'll read to him every day, do fun activities and projects, and work with him on words, shapes, colors, etc. I will miss seeing Henry every day at work, but we're really excited to have found such a great opportunity for him. Oh, and we're also excited for him to get sick a lot less often too, being in a much smaller environment!
Here are some pictures of our very busy Nine-month-old:
Helping Mom empty the dishwasher

After pulling down the dish towel

Wow, we have a dining room!?

Watching Max out the back door:

Crawling around by the back door:

Crashing while cuddling with Daddy:

Pulling himself up on a chair:

And finally, I had to share a video of Henry laughing. Sorry it's a little blurry (and long), but I guarantee hearing his laugh can make anyone smile :-)