Thursday, August 07, 2008

Fourth of July Barbeque

Posted by Bell

I am going to be updating the blog here with some postings from before the move.

Jessica came back to Minnesota for the Fourth of July. We had a BBQ with some of the family and some friends. It was short notice and of course on the 4th f July, so we were happy that anybody could make it.

Here is a pic of some of Jessie's family that showed up.
(L-R: Sue, Dorothy, Herb Barb, Rick and Butch)

We were so excited that Holly and Jared came.
(The Chesters: Holly, Blake and Jared)
Jessica enjoying herself and the beautiful weather.
A man tending the meat on the grill. Yeah, I cooked way too much food. We had almost 4 pounds of beef and more brats and hot dogs than we could eat in a week.
Jessica made a bunch of her delicious appetizers and salads. The Chesters also brought a pasta salad. I know that I ate way too much food. I think I had a 2 hot dogs, a burger and a brat, plus all the sides.
It was a great day. The weather, as I mentioned, was gorgeous, the food was delicious, and the chance to see everyone was tons of fun.
Thanks again to everyone who was able to share the evening with us. We really appreciate it.