Saturday, July 10, 2010

Henry is One Year Old!!

Posted by Jessica Bell

How can our little boy be ONE already? It honestly seems like just yesterday that we were meeting him for the first time, all 5 lbs 8oz and 18.9 inches of him! The past year has truly been amazing. We love you so much Henry!
At his one year check-up, Henry weighed in at 19 lbs 14oz (10th percentile) and 29.5 inches long (50th percentile). A couple of weeks before his first birthday, he really started eating everything that we eat-no more jar foods! We are still feeding a couple of bottles a day, but he is definitely getting better at using a sippy cup. About a week after his birthday, he started walking consistently. He had been doing 3-4 steps at a time for a few weeks prior to that, but was mostly still crawling. Now he's VERY mobile and all over the place!

We celebrated Henry's first birthday in Minneapolis with family and friends. We had a jungle-themed party for our little monkey. He definitely seemed to enjoy all of the attention, presents and especially his cake! Here are a few pictures from his big party, which was also on his actual birthday:

The morning of, in birthday shirt #1 (he had 3!) with his cake

Party decorations

The cake Grandma Barb made

Centerpieces that I ordered for the tables

Mama and Henry (Birthday shirt #2)

I made a wall collage of pictures--one for the day he was born, and each month leading up to his first birthday.

Daddy and Henry

Aunt Sunny, Henry, Cousin Leo and Adam

Starting to dig into his monkey "smash cake"

I LOVE cake!

Opening presents

The happy one-year-old!


Lisa Smith said...

He is such the cutie and I really love the scrapbook pages!!